
Look!! While we were getting the external painting and new carpet done at the end of last year, we also decided to go for a brand new website!www.airwaysmotel.co.nz It’s not that we didn’t like the last one which was only a year or so old, but it was a part of package deal that we […]

Airways Motel Logo

We started at Airways Motel in March 2020 but it had been a motel since 1998 and had had several different owners over the years. We took over what the previous owners had left, but we had a lot of tweaking to do using our 12 years of motel industry experience. There was upgrading to […]

Airways Motel

Airways Motel dates back some 25 years and while we have not met anyone who stayed 25 years ago, we have a current guest who has stayed here over at least the past 20 or so! Jeff and Naomi started here on 6 March, 2020, 2 weeks before the first covid lockdown. While the covid […]